Online Contemplative Missioner Videos

Please find below a number of vid resources in the area of mission, contemplation and conceptual thinking which links to YouTube.

New Monasticism: Post Secularism, Contemplative Theology, and Spiritual Formation

Really enjoyed this conversation exploring the focus of my Christian life and experience including my PhD research studies and recent book. Justin Coutts was a very interesting person to dialogue work, with an interesting background in North American religious traditions including new monasticism, indigenous spirituality and the contemplative spiritual traditions.

Spirituality & Wellbeing as the focus for Mission

This short vid of the Blackfriars new Monastic Community explores the reality of such a form of mission

Pioneering & the Contemplative

A live conversation exploring the call and focus of a contemplative pioneer with guests: Elaine Heath - Author, speaker, retreat leader, consultant and President of Neighborhood Seminary, a non-profit which she co-founded to provide theological, practical, and spiritual formation for lay people to know how to help their neighborhoods flourish by participating with what God is doing in their neighborhoods. And Ian Mobsby - Missioner & New Monastic practitioner, speaker and writer. Assistant Dean for Fresh Expressions & Pioneer Ministry at The Diocese of Southwark Join us live, bring your questions, thoughts and stories or catch up later here or on YouTube😃

Importance of Trinitarian Spirituality

This vid at St Pauls Cathedral Institute in London unpacks the importance of a Trintarian informed spirituality and mission practice

The ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ and the Contemplative Tradition

Space for those who consider themselves Spiritual not Religious to explore, quest and dialogue, an invitation from Ian Mobsby

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